

Integrated Social Science Research Lab students and faculty review book on systemic racism in America.
作者:Therese Boyd

“我不认为任何人读了它就能忽视它,Jenae McGill说, 他是十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校刑事司法专业的学生, 在谈论这本书的时候 Systemic Racism in America: Sociological Theory, Education Inequality, and Social Change 由拉肖恩·雷和霍迪·马哈茂迪编辑. 麦吉尔和她的同事在一个研究实验室, Woodnie安德烈, Makaylah Bangura, 玛丽安娜·迪·巴尔萨莫, Deyana染料, 汉娜·让·皮埃尔, 所有人都与博士合作写了一篇书评. 尼古拉斯•罗兰, 社会学教授, who co-runs the Integrated Social Science Research Lab (ISSRL) with Dr. 内森Kruis, 刑事司法助理教授, 顺便说一下, was once a student in that same lab as an undergraduate himself. 我们将看到, because race crosscuts so much of contemporary American life, this is a near-ideal project for a group of multidisciplinary students working in an interdisciplinary research lab.

Bangura, 护理专业, says that the concept of a book review came up in the spring 2022 semester at Rowland’s suggestion, 但事情并没有马上进展,因为, 多亏了COVID和全球供应链的问题, 图书出版商推迟了该书的定稿. “他(罗兰)在秋天把它带回来了, 说我们准备好着陆了, 他问还有没有人想一起去. 它非常符合我的价值观和理想.” Andre, 生物行为健康专业, was attracted by the subject matter: “We had a lot of projects [to consider], 但我选择这本书是因为它更有趣. 书本身具有教育性.”

Dye, 另一个护理专业, took a more practical view; she knew “I was going to get a publication out of it,” she says. But, while “the publication is important, it’s not solely why I’m doing it. 这个话题很有趣. It’s a problem that we need to discuss, a problem that people need to know about.”

Actually, the student reviewers clearly found the book more than just “interesting.麦吉尔称之为“非常直率”. 适合所有读者,尤其是即将进入大学的读者.她很欣赏直截了当的文字. “The book comes out and says we don’t even need people to be racist [for racism to persist in the US] because our system is set up to be racially inequitable. 很多人说,‘我不是种族主义者.“白人没有同样的挣扎.戴伊的观点也带有个人色彩. “Yes, 我是一个黑人女性, and, yes, 我经历过很多这样的事情, 但它让我看到了很多我从未想过的东西.” McGill was surprised about what she read because she is “aware of some of it, of course, 但不是所有的. Everyone knows our country is racist, but not the extent this book went.”

This was the second ISSRL book review project for Di Balsamo, 医学预科,辅修西班牙语, 现在在大学公园. For this book, she says, “you get information you wouldn’t get elsewhere. 它以一种不太难读懂的方式使用了统计数据. 作者运用统计学的方法对概念进行了解释. ‘Here’s my opinion; here are the facts.’”她承认这很有启发. “You reevaluate your daily life, things that you don’t even think about. 我在日常生活中就是这么做的.” After reading the book, she is making an effort to change her own behaviors. “My favorite takeaway was they don’t just say what’s wrong; they say how to fix it.”

安德烈给团队带来了独特的视角. She was born in Haiti and only came to the United States in the tenth grade. Her experiences with racism in the United States surprised her, she says. “我没有意识到种族主义甚至存在于教育领域.她回忆起与一位老师的对话,这位老师告诉她, “If you’ve applied for a job and your name is difficult to read, you’ll less likely to get a call back from an interviewer.”

Cooperation and participation are very important when doing a collaborative book review. Di Balsamo这样描述这个过程:“每周, we went through each chapter individually and made notes on what we liked and didn’t like. 然后,我们每周会和另外一两个人见面. You could just stay for the discussion or join the writing.” For herself, she says, “I contributed more to the structure—what we liked/didn’t like.” She says that “with a group discussion—five or six people—you get a nonbiased opinion of the book. 我们能够发出声音.”

罗兰的笔记, “It is really all about the students—harnessing the research enterprise of our great university for the purpose of creating community, inclusion, 以及通过学术获得归属感.” In fact, “this model of collaboratively authoring publishable book reviews with undergraduate students is something we’ve pioneered in the research lab [ISSRL], 我们有出版物来证明这一点. I’ve personally co-authored around two dozen book reviews with undergraduate coauthors during my time at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. I have given presentations about our technique and published articles in national and international journals about the origins of our thinking here in the lab.” Rowland started at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 in 2007 and notes that this undergraduate research lab is the one thing that he is the proudest of creating as a faculty member.

学生审稿人同意在ISSRL工作. “It is a great experience being in the research lab,” Dye says. “I think I wouldn’t be getting the experience as a regular undergrad. What to put in a resume, how to analyze data—that preps you for grad school.” Andre adds an emotional component: “Being in the research lab put me in a place where I’m comfortable to talk about racism without hesitation.”